Let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to choose the same exact flooring for the entirety of your home. With each room serving its own function, it makes sense that they would have different flooring, but you’ll want to ensure the different flooring choices don’t clash. Before selecting your home’s flooring, take a look at our tips below for choosing different flooring in different rooms, while still creating a unified-looking home.
Pros and Cons of Having the Same Flooring Throughout the House
New flooring is a big decision. It’s not just about what type of wood you want, but also how much money can fit into your budget and if it will match with other materials in place already. If this sounds like something that interests you then keep reading!
The first step would be determining whether replacing all floors within the home makes sense based on how old the flooring is. The next question should be which type of flooring should be installed. You have plenty of options when deciding what type will work best for each room-should they match materials throughtout? or do some rooms require different tones/colors? There’s no wrong answer here as long as you know your preferences beforehand.
The advantages of using the same flooring throughout your home are plenty. It creates a welcoming appearance and makes your rooms look more spacious and seamlessness in design.
The smart transition between carpets, tile, and wood floors will save you time and ensure safety. The seamless design allows for a quick clean-up process without having to switch back and forth from a vacuum cleaner to a mop.
The same flooring throughout your home also eliminates the issue of having a mismatched space with an ill-fitting appearance. If you have hardwood in one room and laminate across another, then these two types are unique enough to maintain their own aesthetic while still looking nice room to room.
The right type and style of flooring can make your house feel more cozy. The angle or direction that lines up with other pieces in a room will help create this effect, but it’s important not to overlook color choice when designing spaces with similar hues. Otherwise, they’ll look like two worlds colliding instead!
The use of the same flooring throughout a house lacks uniqueness and diversity.
If you’re looking to install carpet in your entire house, it’s important that the rooms have similar functions and there is a shared interest for using one type of flooring. However, this might not always work out as planned when people want different surfaces depending on their own needs or preferences, which can be restricting if they don’t match up with what other members within a family desire!
We all know the feeling of walking on a floor and realizing that it’s not even remotely level. If your floors are off-kilter, don’t try to fix them yourself; instead, call in professionals who can replace broken pieces with new ones. When rooms have different types of floors throughout the home this makes repairing or replacing them easier.
Pay Attention to Color
The single uniting link between all of the different flooring throughout your home is going to be color. While your tile doesn’t have to be the same exact color as your hardwood or carpeting, you’ll want to select each flooring option with the same color pallette in mind. We recommend that you start your color palette from the front of your home in the foyer; whatever color flooring you have in your foyer should set the mood for the floor coloring through the rest of the home.
Neutral Colors

When you’re looking for the perfect flooring to match your home’s decor, consider sticking with a neutral color palette. This will allow any wall or room in which it is installed to stand out more instead of being overwhelmed by pairing light-colored surfaces with dark colors.
The secret to making your home look larger than it is? Consistency. Sticking with the same color or texture throughout will give any room in your house that elegant and open feeling, whether you’re installing tile or hardwood flooring.
There are many options when it comes to flooring for your home, but how do you know which one will work best? Some people prefer tile if they live in warmer regions and carpet or vinyl throughout other areas because they enjoy the comfort during winter while children play on their softer surfaces at school. Personal preference should always come first! The answer isn’t always clear cut but picking up some tips from professional installers can help ensure any choice you make meets your life’s demands.
Look At Your Home As A Whole
When you are in the market for new flooring, it can be hard to think of your home as one large space. You want everything from kitchen counters and bedrooms alike to blend together so that people walking through don’t feel like they’re in a different home every time they step into a room! But one thing that can help make this decision easier is thinking of it as a cohesive, well-designed space instead of just focusing on each room individually. We recommend taking samples from various brands/flooring types, so you know which ones work best without being overwhelmed by endless options – remember: less really does equal more.
How Many Different Types of Flooring Should Be In A House?
The flooring “Rule of Three” states that from any point in the home, you should see three different types of flooring, or less. So if you’re in the kitchen, you might see tile and as you look into the living room, there might be wood flooring and as your eye travels to the bedroom, you might see carpet, but nothing else. You shouldn’t see more than three flooring types at once, or else the home starts to look cluttered and eclectic.
Where Do You Plan On Installing Your Flooring?
There are many considerations to make when choosing new flooring. Do you want to have luxury vinyl or tile throughout the entire house, with an option for both in different areas of each room type (e.g., kitchen and bathroom)? How about adding extra flair by installing wood look boards over hardwood floors? These questions should be considered before buying new floorings because there are pros & cons associated with different types of flooring. Ultimately, there’s no wrong answer here so long as your needs for each room match up accordingly (e..g bathroom vs living space).
Choosing the Appropriate Flooring
As you choose your flooring throughout your home, ensure you’re paying attention to the function of each room before you make your final selections.
As we mentioned above, the foyer should set the tone for the rest of the house, so choose your foyer wisely. We suggest choosing a tile, stone, slate, wood or mosaic to mark the entry of your home. This flooring can continue into the living room, or you can choose a different living room flooring option.
Living Room
Your living room is going to be one of the most highly-trafficked areas of your home, so the flooring should be durable, yet still blend well with the foyer. You can choose from hardwood, laminate, vinyl, or carpet whatever makes the most sense for your lifestyle and budget.
Laminate flooring can be a great choice for kitchens that experience high traffic, but it’s super easy to scratch and damage. Hardwood floors are usually better suited in this type of space because they’re more durable than laminated wood products and less likely to break under pressure from cooking utensils or spilled food. Ceramic tiles also make an excellent secondary option because they’re easy on shoes (no one wants scuffed toes) while still looking classy enough that guests won’t mind walking across them when entering into formal rooms.
Dining Room
To create the perfect dining room, it is essential that you know what type of flooring your home’s interior requires. Some homeowners may prefer tile or linoleum over wood floors to make an attractive space for entertaining guests. Others might want an easy-to-clean surface like vinyl flooring throughout the home since it’s waterproof and durable!
Children’s Bedrooms
The flooring in a child’s bedroom should be hard-surfaced to prevent spills, especially with younger kids who are constantly spilling things. Distressed laminate floors can punish children and teens without showing too much weariness or fading over time while remaining affordable for most families on whatever budget they need. If you have other bedrooms away from these play areas instead of directly across/downstairs from them, then feel free to use different colors depending on the theme and scheme that works best overall.
Master Bedroom
A luxurious master bedroom is perfect for resting after a long day. A plush carpet, wood flooring, or laminate are all great options for your bedroom’s décor because they provide warmth and style equal to your bathroom. An area rug should be selected based on what you want it to contrast against (such as tile). Having some sort of colorful accent piece between these two rooms helps break up similarities by adding complexity.
Kitchens & Bathrooms

These highly-trafficked rooms need to have water-resistant flooring that will look good even with wear and tear. We recommend darker-colored wood, title, or laminate as flooring solutions that will last the longest and make the most sense for their functionality. Once again, ensure you’re selecting a color or variation that matches with the rest of the flooring in your home.
Can You Use Different Flooring for Upstairs and Downstairs?

You may have noticed that the floors in your home are often different upstairs and downstairs. This can be because it’s a matter of preference as to whether or not matching surfaces elevate all rooms, rather than just one; do what feels right for YOU!
The flooring in your house may vary depending on what you need it for and how much you use the space. A bathroom or bedroom might have different floors than a highly trafficked area like hallways because they don’t demand as much care.
When a bedroom’s located on the upper floor often results in less traffic and cleaner floors. Something like carpet or an area rug provides a warm sensation for feet when entering. Since you rarely use your shoes in the bedrooms, there’s less dirt build-up compared to other areas of your home like hallways or kitchen/dining areas.
If you’re looking for flooring that will work in every room and is easy to clean, consider choosing one type of material. However, if aesthetics matter more than certain types of flooring may suit your needs better than others, depending on how often they need to be cleaned. This includes everything from hardwood to carpet.
Tips for Matching Your Flooring From Room to Room
Make It An Exact Match
It’s important to find the right flooring for your home. If you have old or new floors, don’t try and match them with something that is too similar because it will look jarring when transitioning from one type of surface into another!
Bring a Sample
Matching your new floor to an older one in can be tricky–in fact, it’s often best if you reach out to the same manufacturer or installation company. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, sometimes things change: either because someone else installed your flooring or the flooring was discontinued years ago.
In order to get your flooring replaced or repaired, take a sample of it with you. If this isn’t possible, try taking pictures of your flooring with natural lighting for the best results!
Take Some Notes
Know the type and species of wood that is installed in your home. There are many types ranging from oak to hickory, with maple being another common choice for floors. Make sure you note what kind it is so we can help you find just the right finish!
The grade of your flooring matters too! There are several different grades to choose from but these are the three common ones seen in most homes: Select-the highest; #1 Common and #2 Common-the lowest. 2nd lowest which doesn’t tell you anything about durability or quality.
Matching hardwood floors can seem easy when you know what type and grade of wood they are, but it’s important to understand that not all woods change colors over time or develop stains in the same way! For example, Brazilian cherrywood tends to go from light brown to deeper red, while birch will often turn gray as well if left unchecked by nature or human intervention.
To ensure a beautiful installation, measure the width of your hardwood flooring. This can be done using either a ruler or tape measure.
Lastly, check the thickness and height of your current wood floors. The standard is 3/4 inches thick; however, you also want to make sure any new pieces are consistent with this size!
Now that you have an idea of the flooring choices you want to make, are you ready to confirm your final selections? Give our flooring experts at Millennium Hardwood a call today for a complimentary consultation for your flooring project!